This extension watches the test invocation without modifying it or interfering with it in any way. Instead, it just reports test elapsed time. The elapsed time is logged in milliseconds, by default, but you can also choose another unit from java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
. The elapsed time and test name are published to the test execution context so, by default, they will be written to console. Alternatively, you could provide your own implementation of EngineExecutionListener
to report the output differently or to aggregate the output or to publish to a different target etc.
This extension is engaged by adding the @ExtendWith(BenchmarkExtension.class)
annotation to a test class or - if you want to choose a non default TimeUnit
- by using JUnit5’s @RegisterExtension
public class MyTest {
// elapsed time will be logged for every test in this test case
public class MyTest {
static BenchmarkExtension benchmarkExtension = new BenchmarkExtension(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);
// elapsed time will be logged, in MICROSECONDS, for every test in this test case
Example output
timestamp = 2018-08-30T16:47:07.352, Elapsed time in MILLISECONDS for canBenchmark = 6